DigiPHY is Granstudio's business unit that develops and commercializes a mixed-reality automotive seating buck system that combines VR & physical supports into an XR design environment.

The ultimate XR seating buck

DigiPHY is an adaptive seating buck and open design platform that can host a wide range of creative supports. Designed by designers for designers, This innovative tool assists in the integration of ergonomics and user experience into a leaner design process. DigiPHY allows designers and engineers to adjust to the ergonomics of any vehicle in a matter of seconds. The unique and patented Auto-Alignment closes the gap between virtual and physical realities.​

Why DigiPHY?

DigiPHY addresses 3 fundamental needs in contemporary automotive design:


Working with virtual reality, rather than static physical models, allows for the integration of dynamic and non-tangible design elements into the creative process from day one. However, virtual reality alone cannot fully replace the haptic feedback that is essential to the vehicle experience. Therefore, DigiPHY combines digital and physical supports, creating a single immersive and creative environment.


Efficiently managing time and budget is key when you're looking to create more design iterations, bring products to market faster, or reduce overall development costs.

DigiPHY is a fantastic tool to reduce budget and cost. Its speed and user-friendly interface make interaction seamless and using physical properties only where necessary cuts time and cost.


The new opportunities offered by electric platforms, evolving in-car user behaviours, and innovative HMI systems all highlight the importance of considering ergonomics and layout during the design process. With DigiPHY, you have a versatile solution that allows you to explore these aspects effectively. With its plug and play interface, DigiPHY allows to switch layouts in a matter of seconds.

What DigiPHY’s clients say

“We got into a creative multi-disciplinary collaboration flow for the next hours.”

Simon Lamarre, Head of Prospective Design at Lynk & Co

“I would rather call it the Infinitebuck, as you can do almost anything with it”

Ben Hall, Studio Engineer at GEELY Design Global

“The DigiPHY facilitates and enables the communication between design and engineering.”

Jean-Michel Gallay, Architecture and Engineering at Renault

Real World Applications

DigiPHY is a flexible system that can be used in all stages of the design process.

Use Cases

Discover how top companies in the industry are leveraging the power of DigiPHY to revolutionize their phygital design process.

Lynk&Co, a case study

Lynk & Co’s Prospective Design Team loves a challenge. In preparation for a new concept car project, interactive virtual concept models were developed.

Discover the project

RESET, Redefining the design approach

Granstudio is conducting an ongoing research project: RESET, aimed at exploring the potential of Phygital Design in terms of process, use, and aesthetics.

Discover RESET

Defining new car layouts

We exploited the potential of DigiPHY, to design a Drako Dragon, car that has a comfortable and spacious interior without compromising performance and aerodynamics.

Discover Drako Dragon

Discover the Design Services of Granstudio


UX-driven vehicle design.

Seamless interactive experiences.


Future-proof mobility means.

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